EMRT Ver 1.3: What’s New in Mineral Reporting

Hitano Enterprise Corporation hereby declares that the metal used in our products is Conflict-Free.

As part of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT), companies can keep track of the minerals used in their supply chains using this tool.

The EMRT is like the CMRT in many ways. As far as the purpose of the templates is concerned, the only difference is that CMRT was developed for 3TG – Tantalum, Tin, Gold, and Tungsten, whereas EMRT was developed for Cobalt and Mica.

With EMRT, you can improve the traceability and transparency of your supply chain, as well as improve responsible sourcing practices. In addition to identifying possible risks, it also assists in the implementation of responsible mineral sourcing practices to mitigate those risks, as well as monitors the implementation process.

To keep the EMRT template revision up to date, RMI regularly updates the template with the latest information. As of now, the EMRT v1.1 has been added to the past revision history as the latest version has just been released.

  Download RMI_EMRT_1.3