Due to the report of Japan Passive Components magazine, Some capacitor factories, ex, Lelon, Luxon, they have higher defect rate, because of out-buying electrolyte, So that IBM…etc companies prohibited to use Taiwaness E.cap vendors, Hitano will certify followings:
1. Hitano’s factory has own R&D Dept, we don’t use the electrolyte suppliers who be indicated on report.
2. Hitano’s factory use the electrolyte which be mixed by themselves, the original material powder be purchased from Japan Fuji (i.e. Tomiyama), all are electronic grade.
3. Hitano’s is not on all report of Japan Passive Components magazine and IBM’S Porhibited List, HITANO never has reliability issue on Low ESR..
4. All Low ESR products which be produced by Hitano’s factory be guaranteed load life 2,000~10,000Hrs. The used electrolyte be confirmed with serious design and reliability, there is reliability assurance absolutely.
5. HITANO’s Low ESR products has independent formula in electrolyte’s full steam voltage and addition solution.
6. The major reason for this issue is that most of Taiwaness E.cap factory has no owned R&D Dept, only rely on the out-buying electrolyte, based on this report that the quality issue E.cap vendors used LenYen’s P-50 electrolyte liquid, but Hitano’s factory never use LenYen’s electrolyte.
7. We certify that we never have this kind of quality issue.